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GMP for ATMP Investigational Medicinal Products

Overcoming the challenges of clinical trials for ATMPs

The development of medicinal products also requires a partner with extensive GMP expertise. Valicare is at your service.

The development of a new drug involves different process phases:  

  1. Characterization and standardized production of the product to ensure quality
  2. Proof of safety and efficacy in non-clinical models   
  3. Clinical trials to demonstrate safety and efficacy in humans

The aim is to ensure that the scientific progress, complexity, and technical characteristics of ATMPs are taken into account at all stages of development. You can find out more about the regulatory requirements for ATMPs here.

Requirements for clinical trials of ATMPs

The following requirements apply to clinical trials of ATMPs:

  • Part IV of the EU GMP guidelines must be fulfilled
  • A manufacturing authorization is required (starting in phase I)
  • The responsible ethics committee must have examined the procedure and assessed it as ethically acceptable

Manufacturers can implement alternative approaches as long as they can prove that quality, safety, efficacy, and traceability of the product is ensured. Adjustments to the application of GMP requirements, particularly in the early stages of clinical development, are possible if they are justified in a risked-based manner. Find out more about the risk-based approach and the resulting flexibility in GMP manufacture here

From R&D to the market - increasing demands on the manufacturing process
From R&D to the market - increasing demands on the manufacturing process

Challenges in clinical trials with ATMPs

Only small patient groups can be treated with novel ATMP therapeutics. At the same time, many ATMPs offer therapeutic concepts for the treatment of rare diseases. Since only limited patient recruitment is possible, an orphan designation status can be applied for from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). This scenario must be considered when planning the pharmaceutical development of the ATMP. This requires a guideline on clinical trials in small populations and clear specifications on biostatistics.

Despite all challenges, numerous gene and cell therapeutics as well as bioengineered tissue products have already been approved in the EU and the U.S. The number of ATMPs in clinical trials is increasing continuously on a global scale.

Approved ATMPs in the EU and / or U.S.
Approved ATMPs in the EU and / or U.S.

Your benefits

In Germany, the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) is responsible for reviewing clinical trials in the field of medicinal products, vaccines, and biomedical drugs. The PEI offers a demand-oriented, step-by-step consulting concept. We will gladly assist you in the preparation and follow-up of the PEI consultation. Besides we also support you with:

  • Evaluating, planning, and setting up a clinical trial
  • The initial application for approval of your study
  • Quality-related issues for preclinical and clinical study phases regarding regulatory requirements
  • Creating study documentation
  • Organizing clinical studies
  • Study logistics (concept for supplying the study centers) 

You can find more information about our service packages for clinical trials here.

Would you like to shape the future with your ATMP? Our experienced GMP experts and scientists will be happy to support you during your clinical trial.

In addition to consulting services, we also offer a comprehensive service in investigational medicinal product management. Get in touch with us now. Together we will bring your therapy to the patient.


Free first consultation now!

Free first consultation now!


Dr. Ellen Sons-Brinkmann
Phone: +49 69 153 293 709

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GMP Compliance

Professional GMP compliance ensures the quality of drugs and active ingredients.


ATMPs offer new, promising therapeutic approaches for diseases that were previously considered incurable. However, the regulatory requirements are challenging.


We have summarized some information for you.

Our Company

Valicare is an ISO 9001-certified service company and operates in the area of qualification and validation of technical equipment and processes.