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Conferences, training and workshops

Here you can see which events will be taking place soon and how you can register for them.

Medical Devices Webinar

Location: Online via Teams
Date: 01.04.2025 - 08.04.2025

Join our expert-led webinar on medical devices to gain a 360° compliance overview and learn how to navigate the latest regulatory shifts with confidence.

5th European Conference on Pharmaceutics: Innovative Dosage Forms & Advanced Technologies

Location: Porto, Portugal
Date: 24.03.2025 - 25.03.2025

On March 24th-25th, the APV will host a conference on innovative dosage forms and advanced technologies for modern therapeutics in Porto, Portugal. The part of the conference entitled "Delivery of biologics: From ATMP to oligonucleotides" will be chaired by Dr. Hans-Georg Eckert, CEO and Lead Consultant of Valicare GmbH.

PharmaLab Congress & Exhibition

Location: Düsseldorf, Germany
Date: 25.11.2024 - 27.11.2024

Valicare is part of the PharmaLab Congress 2024, where products, services and the latest developments on topics such as analytics, bioanalytics and microbiology will be presented in various lectures and exhibitions. We look forward to your visit!

Virtual Lectures GMP-Basics I-III 2024

Location: Idstein, Germany
Date: 19.11.2024 - 17.12.2024

The lecture by Dr. Hans-Georg Eckert, Managing Director and Senior Consultant of Valicare GmbH, is part of the Master's Course MSc Bioanalytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Idstein.

APV event at Valicare

Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Date: 30.07.2024

We invite you to the next event of the APV Group Rhein-Main at Valicare. You can expect exciting presentations on innovations in aseptic processing and Valicare's cult.tainer services, followed by a debriefing. Be part of it!

Achema 2024

Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Date: 10.06.2024 - 14.06.2024

World forum and 34th leading international trade fair - This year a team of Valicare experts will also be present at Achema. Visit us at the Syntegon Technology stand, C71 in Hall 3.1!

APV Seminar

Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Date: 14.05.2024 - 15.05.2024

Attend the APV seminar on Biopharma Stability & Cold Stability for Biologics/Therapeutic Proteins. The topics of new formats, vaccines, cell therapies and mRNAs will also be covered.

TIL-Workshop with Champalimaud Foundation

Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Date: 24.04.2024 - 25.04.2024

Visit the Champalimaud TIL workshop (Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes) for the treatment of patients with solid cancers.

ATMP block lecture: Advanced therapies

Location: Idstein, Germany via Zoom
Date: 12.04.2024

Online introduction to the pharmaceutical requirements for the manufacture and testing of ATMPs. Register in good time, there are only 30 external participant places available.

GMP Pharma Congress

Location: Wiesbaden, Germany
Date: 20.03.2024

At the Pharma Congress, participants can look forward to a highly interesting presentation by our Senior GMP Project Manager Dr Carsten Börger in collaboration with Frank Hesseler from Schlafenden Hasen. The topic of the presentation is the development and validation of a cloud-based system for automated text verification.

DG-GT Annual Meeting

Location: Munich, Germany
Date: 06.03.2024 - 08.03.2024

The DG-GT e.V. brings together scientists and clinicians who are involved in the most diverse areas of vector development, gene transfer techniques, gene therapy treatment strategies and their implementation in the clinic.

Topic of this year's event: Nucleic acid therapeutics - genetic indications and beyond

cult.tainer web session

Location: Frankfurt, Germany via Teams
Date: 30.01.2024

Topic: Successfully producing the first batch with the cult.tainer® Dr. Eckert, Senior Consultant and Managing Director of Valicare, an expert in ATMPs, will present the cult.tainer® concept.

Regulatory and "Appropriate Technologies" for ATMP Manufacturing

Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Date: 20.11.2023 - 21.11.2023

The ISPE DACH ATMP Seminar is an expert event specializing in Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) and their aseptic processing in the pharmaceutical industry. A special highlight of this event is the opportunity to visit the Robert Bosch Hospital. This will allow attendees to gain insight into the state-of-the-art aseptic processing technology and practices at a renowned medical facility.

Virtual Lectures GMP-Basics I-III

Location: Idstein, Germany
Date: 03.11.2023 - 24.11.2023

The lecture by Dr. Hans-Georg Eckert, Managing Director and Senior Consultant of Valicare GmbH, is part of the Master's Course MSc Bioanalytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Idstein. 3 virtual training modules cover the topics GMP basics, computer system validation and analytical method validation. The lectures will take place from 13:00-15:30 each day. Further information and the access link can be found here.

6th Cell Therapy Symposium

Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Date: 03.11.2023 - 04.11.2023

We are pleased to be part of the 6th Cell Therapy Symposium at Heidelberg University Hospital this year. This symposium is a platform for the latest advances in cell therapy and brings together leaders in the fields of hematology, stem cell transplantation, cell therapy and infectology.

Medical Clinic, Grand Auditorium
Im Neuenheimer Field, 410
69120 Heidelberg
Department of Medicine V

DG-GT- Theme Day: The Next Frontiers in ATMP Development

Location: Langen, Germany
Date: 27.04.2023 - 28.04.2023

Die DG-GT e.V. steht als Informationsplattform und Diskussionsforum zu Fragen auf den Gebieten der Gentherapie, der molekularen Medizin, der Stammzellbiologie, und neuer molekularer Techniken zur Verfügung. 

ATMP-Blockvorlesung: Neuartige Therapien

Location: Idstein, Germany via Zoom
Date: 21.04.2023

Online-Einführung in die pharmazeutischen Anforderungen an die Herstellung und Prüfung von ATMPs. Melden Sie sich rechtzeitig an, es sind nur 30 externe Teilnehmerplätze verfügbar!

German Biotechnology Days 2023

Location: Wiesbaden, Germany
Date: 28.03.2023 - 29.03.2023

In plenary sessions and symposia, the German Biotechnology Days highlight current developments in medical and industrial biotechnology as well as the framework conditions for this innovative industry.

OSD ACADEMY Innovations in oral solid dosage

Location: Waiblingen, Germany
Date: 07.03.2023 - 09.03.2023

Our mother company Syntegon Technology GmbH invites you to the successfully established series “OSD Academy”. OSD R&D and new insights for product production for clinical phases are in the focus of this event. Exciting presentations from renowned industry and also from Syntegon and Valicare experts expect you. We are looking forward to meet you at the OSD Customer Center in Waiblingen (DE). Registration is prolonged to 14.02.2023.

APV Focus Group Pharmaceutical Biotechnology meeting including Versynta Microbatch presentation

Location: Crailsheim, Germany
Date: 16.02.2023

Location: Syntegon Technology GmbH, Blaufelder Str. 45, 74564 Crailsheim

ATMPs: Quality and risk management Online-Kurs

Location: Online
Date: 18.11.2022

This seminar focuses on quality aspects during the development and production of ATMPS/genetherapeutics. Dr. Hans-Georg Eckert, Senior GMP-Consultant and Site-Manager of Valicare Frankfurt, will be one of the referent from the experts industry, consulting and authority. 

Introduction to the pharmaceutical requirements for the manufacture and testing of ATMPs

Location: Online
Date: 28.05.2021

Dr Hans-Georg Eckert, Senior GMP Consultant at Valicare GmbH and lecturer at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Idstein, will give the above-mentioned block lecture on 28 May 2021.

PBP World Meeting

Location: Vienna, Austria
Date: 11.05.2021 - 14.05.2021

12th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology


Location: Online
Date: 28.04.2021 - 29.04.2021

This course, organised by Dr Hans-Georg Eckert, Senior GMP Consultant at Valicare GmbH, provides an introduction to the world of ATMPs from the perspective of the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry.

Free first consultation now!

Free first consultation now!


Dr. Ellen Sons-Brinkmann
Phone: +49 69 153 293 709

Contact us

Our customers are also interested in:

GMP Compliance

Professional GMP compliance ensures the quality of drugs and active ingredients.


ATMPs offer new, promising therapeutic approaches for diseases that were previously considered incurable. However, the regulatory requirements are challenging.


We have summarized some information for you.

Our Company

Valicare is an ISO 9001-certified service company and operates in the area of qualification and validation of technical equipment and processes.